As for the conclusion of this blog, the traditional Indian food culture should not be forgotten by every generation as it shows the identity of the Indian people itself in terms of culture and norms. Each of the instruments has its own tales and sentimental values along with it. Without them, the indian food will not have its own distinctiveness and cannot achieve the accomplishment that can be seen nowadays. Thus, several commendations should be made in supporting the cultures in order to preserve it for longer period:
- Implements the used of traditional Indian food culture as one of the tools in teaching subject related to indian cuisine in primary school so that the children will get the early expose of the cuisine.
- Organize lots of events that encourage the used of Indian food culture and provide incentives for those who involved. Governments and private sectors should join these activities so that it will become more attention-grabbing.
- Government divisions should provide a place in each state that exclusively for the purpose of training younger generations about the beauty of Indian food culture.
With this rich information of this blog, I hope that readers will gain knowledge and benefits about the Indian food culture. I also hope that the younger generations will continue the tradition and practice so that it will not be elapsed by time. This is one of the things that made indian cultures are differs from others and put it on top of the list as one of the races that have diverse ethnicity and customary values in it.